On the 26th of November, 1963 the Chapter received notice of acceptance by the National Institute. A charter night meeting was set for January 27,1964.The speakers at the meeting were: Dick Perrell, President of the Phoenix Chapter; Herman Boisclair, Region 11 Director; Henry Baume, Past President of the Denver Chapter and Vice-President of the Institute; and Terrell Harper, Co-founder and first President of the Institute. The words of encouragement and conviction of these men gave the Chapter the needed spark of enthusiasm. At the time of presentation of the Charter, the Chapter consisted of 12 Professional, 10 Industry, and 1 Junior Member. That total of 21 members has grown to some 60 members. 

Since conception, the local Chapter has received, reviewed, and returned to the Institute numerous technical reports. The local Chapter publishes its own monthly bulletin, Tucson Topics, which disseminates information of local importance with respect to the Chapter functions to its members. In May 1968, the Tucson Topics as the recipient of the Institute Award for the "Most Improved" Chapter Newsletter.